Before submission to the editorial staff of the journal, please check the Research Misconduct Policies, infringement of which will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript and possible sanctions against the author.
The authors strongly recommend reading the “Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English” on the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) website, which guides our work.
Ensure that the manuscript presents an academic value significance of the research and that its originality and practical significance are well described; the manuscript contributes to earlier research concerning the topic.

The author must take a close look at the manuscript requirements. They are not too rigid, but we recommend to meet them. Therefore, we ask the authors to make every effort to meet the requirements, as it will provide the quality of their materials and will make it easier for the editorial staff to set the manuscript for publication.

Please define the type of the manuscript of four possible variants and adhere to both the general guidelines and the recommendations, which are specific to the type of the chosen manuscript.

The following types of manuscripts can be submitted to the journal:

  • Research Paper, which is a final report on the finished original experimental study (the structure is Abstract, Introduction, Literature review, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, and Conclusions);
  • Theoretical Paper, which is devoted to the theoretical study of the problem, which complies with the journal’s scope (the structure is Abstract, Introduction, Theoretical Basis, Results, Discussions, and Conclusions);
  • Review Paper, which is a study of a concrete scientific problem, which complies with the journal’s scope and is conducted based on the materials of the scientific publications (the structure is Abstract, Introduction, Literature review, generalization of the main statements, Discussions, Conclusions);
  • Short Communication Paper on the event (conference, seminar, exhibition, issue of the important monograph), which complies with the journal’s scope (the paper is structured by the author on his/her own, but with compulsory reference to the date and place of the event, however, it does not include a big list of references and supplementary materials).

The manuscript should be sent to the journal via E-MAIL. Please try hard to send a manuscript with a good level of English. Well-written manuscripts will let editors and reviewers concentrate on their academic value.

MANUSCRIPT STRUCTURE                      

Manuscript literature and tenses must be structured as Title, Author affiliation with Orcid and E-mail, Abstract, Keywords, JEL classification codes, Introduction, Literature Review, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusions, Author Contributions, Institutional Review Board Statement, Funding, Acknowledgement, Informed Consent Statement, Data Availability Statement, Conflicts of Interest and References. Submitted in a file with a limited size.

The title of the manuscript should fully reflect the topic of the research and its content. It must be short and concrete (not more than 15 words). Besides, it should catch the reader’s interest and be written using the scientific style. It is appropriate to point to the research object or concretize it using the colon or the brackets. It is not recommended to use contractions, but only for the commonly known ones if used.

Here, the name (first name and last name) of the author (authors) must be written. Those authors who use the patronymic or middle name should write only the first.

K. M. Kabir (The Symbol of K. M. is not accepted; you should write Khan Muhammad Kabir).

The authors whose names are written in the Cyrillic alphabet must transliterate them correctly. Those who need the transliteration can use the website
After the authors' names, academic rank, places of work (university, academic institution, etc., or the organization to which they belong) (Affiliation), city, and country should be written. If the name of the city or country is already used as the author's affiliation, the city and the country should be indicated. The name of the organization or the institution must be indicated and separated by a comma in the nominative case. This name must be full, without contractions and abbreviations. Also, the authors should indicate their e-mails.
If there are several authors, they decide on the order of their mentioning in the title of the paper (recommended variant – depending on the contribution to the research). The list of authors includes only those persons who have really taken part in the research and agreed to bear full responsibility for its content. Research funding or taking part in paying the article processing charge is not a prerequisite for being included in the list of co-authors. While forming the list of authors, special attention should be paid to the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

To bring the academic ranks and occupations used in some emerging economies or developing countries in line with international standards.

  • E-mail ID and ORCID iD URL are mandatory for all authors. Registration ORCID iD URL (
  • Correspondence authors must be mentioned
  • A maximum of five authors can be added to the paper.


The abstract must fully reflect the paper’s content. It is advisable to use Passive Voice or sentences such as “The paper deals with…” or “The study analyzes…” This should be done according to the following algorithm: the first two or three sentences indicate the relevance of the topic means Background…; the aim and object of the study; the methodology (methods) of the study (for theoretical studies – its theoretical basis) are described; the results obtained are characterized, conclusions are drawn from them, and the practical value (if any) is indicated. The main body of the abstract should demonstrate the result.
Every statement must follow the previous one logically. In the abstract for a research paper, it is recommended to use the numerical results. The abstract of the review article should indicate the issues under study and, as a result, present the author's summary of the analysis.
The text should be concise and original. It is not appropriate to use the sentences in the Abstract from the text of the paper. At the same time, the material absent in the paper cannot be presented in the Abstract. It is advisable not to refer to any sources in the abstract; tables and figures cannot be used.
Non-standard or unusual abbreviations should be avoided, but if important, they should be identified when first mentioned in the abstract.

An abstract must adhere to the following: A concise and factual abstract is required. Please rewrite the abstract, which should be 250 words for this purpose. The abstract should describe the following items in order 1) Research Background………………….. (research background statements/problem statements at the beginning), 2) Purpose of the Research (for example. The study investigates/examines…), 3) Data, Materials, and Methodology (for example. This study employs samples/survey data/time series data of ….), 4) Results (for example, The results show/reveal that ……), and 5) Major Findings (for example, The findings of this study suggest that …, but NO suggestions/recommendations/implications) in an unstructured manner

The purpose of keywords is to provide the reader insight into the paper's contents. They should reflect the area of the research. The number of keywords should be 5-10 on average. There should not be sentences but words or word groups. If the object of the study is not mentioned in the title of the paper (including the country or region), it should be added to the list of keywords. There is no need to replicate words from the title of the manuscript.

If the author had not been aware of this classification system earlier, he/she should have looked through it to understand all its areas: The codes indicated by the author should reflect the research area. The author is welcome to use the codes from two or three areas if they are covered in the research.

The introduction should substantiate and explain both scientific issues and the relevance of the research. Also, a problem statement should be provided. The introduction should not be long; the author should avoid using tables and figures.

The aim is to describe the main results in a short and concrete manner (in one sentence), the achievement of which is the purpose of the research. Several intermediate problems can also be mentioned here, the solution of which will ensure that the aim is achieved. The aim should not replicate the title of the manuscript.

The introductory paragraph outlines clearly the objectives and motivation for writing the paper. The introduction should provide a context for the discussion in the body of the paper and point explicitly to the article's purpose. 

The checklist:

  • The introduction section should include a justification for the topic's importance.
  • The Introduction is a half-page - a page of text devoted to the relevance of the research topic and the formulation of the SCIENTIFIC problem (within which this research is conducted). There is no need for a literature review here. It is not necessary to tell how the research will be conducted, how the article is structured, what the purpose of the research is, and what tasks the authors will solve. But if you have a review or theoretical article, please, after formulating the scientific problem, formulate the purpose of the study here.
  • The introduction should include 5 to 6 of the latest references (2020 to 2024) from well-known journals and appropriate extracts to motivate the researchers.
  • The introduction section should include brief information on methods.
  • The introduction section should include the aim/objective.
  • The content of each section/chapter of the article is briefly described in the last paragraph of the introduction.

A literature review provides an analysis and generalization of relevant works (papers, monographs, reports, theses, etc.) that describe the essence of the problem and/or give an understanding of the previous efforts to solve it. The literature review should comply with the research aim (“fitness for purpose”) and represent the results of a critical analysis of the analytical base used to test the research hypothesis.
Literature review must not be limited only to works published in the country where the author lives and works (the problem should be studied globally). Particularly, it concerns the authors from non-English speaking countries (they are recommended to analyze the works published in English thoroughly).
If appropriate, normative legal acts are also analyzed.
Only those sources are given and analyzed in the paper, which really is valuable for the author’s research. The author cannot just make long lists of authors and their works related to the investigated issues. The author cannot take the pieces of review text from other works regarding other authors and include their works in the list of references. When citing, the author is obliged to observe ethical and moral principles.
While doing a literature review, the author can use their own publications and refer to them only to describe the problem, not to increase the citation level.
It is recommended to finish the literature review with the presentation of unsolved issues, identification of contradictions in the results and findings of the previous research, justification of the need to continue the studies in this area, and choice of this study's specific topic (direction).
In the literature review and throughout the text of the paper as a whole, references to the sources are made in compliance with APA formatting and style guide (American Psychological Association).

The Literature review (in a theoretical sense, this is not a review, but a theoretical basis) should include 30-40-50 analyzed sources. It should begin with a few introductory sentences. The sequence of the text must be logical (it is not determined by the place on the shelf where the mentioned work is). It should be subordinated to the purpose of the study. Do not start each paragraph with a reference to the source, and structure the text so that one paragraph analyzes one source. The review should end with 2-3 summarizing sentences. Then, the purpose of the study should be formulated. After that, formulate hypotheses (right here, all together, and do not insert text between them). Of course, if you foresee them. As for hypotheses, they must be formulated clearly and unambiguously! They should be clear and not repeat each other. In review and theoretical articles, hypotheses should be stated at the end of the Introduction after formulating the research objective.

It is recommended to finish the literature review with the presentation of unsolved issues, identification of contradictions in the results and findings of the previous research, justification of the need to continue the studies in this area, and choice of this study's specific topic (direction).

The checklist:

  • Is the literature review properly prepared?
  • Is primary literature correctly summarized?
  • Has the literature review dealt with a similar research topic before?
  • Does the literature review show the results of the prior studies?
  • Did the Author position himself/herself among the previous researchers?
  • Are different options/perspectives from the literature covered in the reviewed article?
  • Are the differences with existing studies explicitly identified and documented?
  • Does the text include references whenever necessary?
  • Has the hypothesis (-es) and conceptual framework before methods (methodology)? 
  • Has the literature review section included 15 to 20 of the latest references (2020 to 2024) from well-known journals?

The methods (methodology) of the study are indicated in this section (commonly known), which the author uses in the research, and/or the methodology offered by the author himself is described in a short and concrete manner. If methods and procedures offered are used in other works, the author should refer to the original sources.
In this subsection of the theoretical paper, the theoretical basis of the research should be described, and theories, perspectives, formulae, and equations should be presented.
If commonly known statistic procedures are used in the paper, the author should not describe their essence; it is sufficient to point them out.

As for a research article, after the hypotheses, there should be a Methods section (the Methods section is not required in a review article and is not mandatory in a theoretical one). Here (in the Method section), the algorithm (procedure) of the study should be written, the primary data for calculations should be given, or the sources of their receipt should be indicated. This should be done following the logic of the academic presentation of the material. The entire text should be carefully worked out here. Variables in formulas must have established designations. They should be explained.

This section is compulsory and should provide a specific description of the Materials and Method.

The checklist:

  • The Method section describes how the study was conducted, including conceptual and operational definitions of the variables used.
  • The Materials and Method section includes a description of the material selection.
  • The Materials and Method section describes the research methods: Participant (Subject) Characteristics, Sampling Procedures, Sample Size, Power and Precision, Measures and Covariates, Research Design, and experimental manipulations or Interventions.
  • The article identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the Materials and Method and its findings.

The Method section describes in detail how the study was conducted, including conceptual and operational definitions of the variables used in the study; different types of studies will rely on different methodologies; however, a complete description of the methods used enables the reader to evaluate the appropriateness of your methods and the reliability and the validity of your results, It also permits experienced investigators to replicate the study, If your manuscript is an update of an ongoing or earlier study and the method has been published in detail elsewhere, you may refer the reader to that source and give a brief synopsis of the method in this section.

Identify Subsections: Divining the Method section into labeled subsections is conventional and expedient. These usually include a section with descriptions of the participants or subjects and a section describing the procedures used in the study. The latter section often includes a description of (a) any experimental manipulations or interventions used and how they were delivered-for example, any mechanical apparatus used to deliver them; (b) sampling procedures and sample size and precision; (c) measurement approaches (including the psychometric properties of the instruments used); and (d) the research design. If the study design is complex or the stimuli require detailed descriptions, additional subsections or subheadings to divide the subsections may be warranted to help readers find specific information.

Include in these subsections the information essential to comprehend and replicate the study. Insufficient detail leaves the reader with questions; too much detail burdens the reader with irrelevant information. Consider using appendices and/or a supplemental website for more detailed information.

Participant (Subject) Characteristics: Appropriate identification of research participants is critical to the science and practice of psychology, particularly for generalizing the findings, making comparisons across replications, and using the evidence in research syntheses and secondary data analyses. If humans participated in the study, report the eligibility and exclusion criteria, including any restrictions based on demographic characteristics.

Sampling Procedures: Describe the procedures for selecting participants, including (a) the sampling method, if a systematic sampling plan was used; (b) the percentage of the sample approached that participated; and (c) the number of participants who selected themselves into the sample. Describe the settings and locations in which the data were collected, any agreements and payments made to participants, agreements with the institutional review board, ethical standards met, and safety monitoring procedures.

Sample Size, Power, and Precision: Along with the description of subjects, give the mended size of the sample and the number of individuals in each condition if separate conditions were used. State whether the achieved sample differed in known ways from the target population. Conclusions and interpretations should not go beyond what the sample would warrant.

Measures and Covariates: Include information in the Method section that defines all primary and secondary outcome measures and covariates, including measures collected but not included in this report. Describe the methods used to collect data (e.g., written questionnaires, interviews, observations) and methods used to enhance the quality of the measurements (e.g., the training and reliability of assessors or the use of multiple observations). Provide information on instruments used, including their psychometric and biometric properties and evidence of cultural validity.

Research Design: Specify the research design in the Method section. Were subjects placed into manipulated conditions, or were they observed naturalistically? How were participants assigned to conditions through random assignment or some other selection mechanism if multiple conditions were created? Was the study conducted as a between-subject or a within-subject design?

Experimental Manipulations or Interventions: If interventions or experimental manipulations were used in the study, describe their specific content. Include the details of the interventions or manipulations intended for each study condition, including control groups (if any), and describe how and when interventions (experimental manipulations) were administered.

The text size of the formula should be similar to normal text size. The formula should be placed in the middle, and the serial number on the right. For example:



Here, empirical or theoretical data obtained during the research process are given. It is recommended to use figures, tables, graphs, and schemes. The interpretation of the obtained results is not made in this section. Also, there should not be presented the results, which the authors or other scientists earlier obtained.

Further, the main section of the article is the RESULT (in the review article, the main statements are generalized). Here, not only the results obtained (analytics, systematization, calculations, etc.) should be given, but their economic interpretation, explanation, and justification should also be given. If hypotheses were foreseen, then give the results of their verification.

The checklist:

  • Are the results discussed in detail?
  • Is the research problem original and a kind of novelty?
  • Is the reasoning sound?
  • Has the Author given the appropriate interpretation of the data and references?
  • Are the pieces of information used inside the paper come from reliable sources?

In the Results section, summarize the collected data and the analysis performed on those data relevant to the discourse that is to follow. Report the data in sufficient detail to justify your conclusions. Mention all relevant results, including those that run counter to expectation; be sure to include small effect sizes (or statistically insignificant findings) when theory predicts large (or statistically significant) ones. Do not hide uncomfortable results by omission. Do not include individual scores or raw data, except for single-case designs or illustrative examples. In the spirit of data sharing (encouraged by APA and other professional associations and sometimes required by funding agencies), raw data, including study characteristics and individual effect sizes used in a meta-analysis, can be available on supplemental online archives.


Provide dates defining the recruitment and follow-up periods and the potential subjects' primary sources, where appropriate. If these dates differ by group, provide the values for each group.

Statistics and Data Analysis: Data analysis and reporting the results of those analyses are fundamental aspects of conducting research. Accurate, unbiased, complete, and insightful reporting of the analytic treatment of data (quantitative or qualitative) must be a component of all research reports. Researchers in psychology use numerous approaches to data analysis, and no one approach is uniformly preferred as long as the method is appropriate to the research questions being asked and the nature of the data collected. The methods used must support their analytic burdens, including robustness to violations of the assumptions that underlie them, and they must provide clear, unequivocal insights into the data.

Ancillary Analyses: Report any other analyses performed, including subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses, indicating those pre-specified and those exploratory (though not necessarily in the level of detail of primary analyses). Consider putting the detailed results of these analyses on the supplemental online archive. Discuss the implications, if any, of the ancillary analyses for statistical error rates.

Participant Flow: For experimental and quasi-experimental designs, there must be a description of the flow of participants (human, animal, or units such as classrooms or hospital wards) through the study. Present the total number of units recruited into the study and the number of participants assigned to each group. Provide the number of participants who did not complete the experiment or crossed over to other conditions and explain why. Note the number of participants used in the primary analyses. (This number might differ from those who completed the study because participants might not show up for or complete the final measurement.)

Intervention or Manipulation Fidelity: If interventions or experimental manipulations were used, provide evidence on whether they were delivered as intended. In basic experimental research, this might result from checks on the manipulation. In applied research, this might be, for example, records and observations of intervention delivery sessions and attendance records.

Baseline Data

Ensure that each group's baseline demographic and/or clinical characteristics are provided.

Statistics and Data Analysis: In studies reporting the results of experimental manipulations or interventions, clarify whether the analysis was by intent-ta-treat. Were all participants assigned to conditions included in the data analysis regardless of whether they actually received the intervention, or were only participants who completed the intervention satisfactorily included? Give a rationale for the choice.

Adverse Events: If interventions were studied, detail all important adverse events (events with serious consequences) and/or side effects in each intervention group.

Table 1. Table title ..........

Note. 1. Place the table caption in front of the table body and description below the table body. Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing when using tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. You may resize the tables to fit the page size. 2. Do not accept the image table.

Here, the interpretation of the results obtained during the research is made. A comparison is made with the results obtained by other researchers.

The Discussion section should include a discussion of the study's results, a comparison with previous ones, a discussion of why the authors have such results, and an identification of future prospects.

The checklist:

  • Does the article assess and critique the findings and/or the statistical analysis?
  • Are the findings in the article compared to the findings of other authors?

After presenting the results, you can evaluate and interpret their implications, especially concerning your original hypotheses. Here, you will examine, interpret, and qualify the results and draw inferences and conclusions. Emphasize any theoretical or practical consequences of the results. (When the discussion is relatively brief and straightforward, some authors prefer to combine it with the Results section, creating a section called Results and Discussion.)

Open the Discussion section with a clear statement of the support or nonsupport for your original hypotheses, distinguished by primary and secondary hypotheses. If hypotheses were not supported, offer post hoc explanations. Similarities and differences between your results and the work of others should be used to contextualize, confirm, and clarify your conclusions. Do not simply reformulate and repeat points already made; each new statement should contribute to your interpretation and the reader’s understanding of the problem.

Your interpretation of the results should take into account (a) sources of potential bias and other threats to internal validity, (b) the imprecision of measures, (c) the overall number of tests or overlap among tests, (d) the effect sizes observed, and (e) other limitations or weaknesses of the study. If an intervention is involved, discuss whether it was successful, the mechanism by which it was intended to work (causal pathways), and/or alternative mechanisms. Also, discuss barriers to implementing the intervention or manipulation and the fidelity with which the intervention or manipulation was implemented in the study, that is, any differences between the manipulation as planned and as implemented.

Acknowledge the limitations of your research and address alternative explanations of the results. Discuss the generalizability, or external validity, of the findings. This critical analysis should consider differences between the target population and the accessed sample. For interventions, discuss characteristics that make them more or less applicable to circumstances not included in the study, how and what outcomes were measured (relative to other measures that might have been used), the length of time to measurement (between the end of the intervention and the measurement of outcomes), incentives, compliance rates, and specific settings involved in the study as well as other contextual issues.

End the Discussion section with a reasoned and justifiable commentary on the importance of your findings. This concluding section may be brief or extensive, provided it is tightly reasoned, self-contained, and not overstated. In this section, you might briefly return to a discussion of why the problem is important (as stated in the introduction), what larger issues, those that transcend the particulars of the subfield, might hinge on the findings, and what propositions are confirmed or disconfirmed by the extrapolation of these findings to such overarching issues.

You may also consider the following issues:

  • What are the outcomes' theoretical, clinical, or practical significance, and what is the basis for these interpretations? If the findings are valid and replicable, what real-life psychological phenomena might be explained or modeled by the results? Are applications warranted based on this research? (Note 1)
  • What problems remain unresolved or arise anew because of these findings? The responses to these questions are the core of the contribution of your study and justify why readers, both inside and outside your own specialty, should attend to the findings. Your readers should receive clear, unambiguous, and direct answers. (Note 2)

Note. Number figures consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place the figure caption and description below the figure body. (Resolution: 300 dpi). You may resize the figures or schemes to fit the page size.

In this section, the main ideas of the manuscript are presented, and the obtained results and their novelty are demonstrated. The possibility of practical use of the obtained results should be outlined, and directions for further scientific research should be offered.

The Conclusions should have the following logic - indicate the purpose of the study, briefly demonstrate the obtained result, and indicate what conclusions should be drawn from it. Do not cite sources in the Conclusions or repeat sentences from the abstract here. Don't start chapters with subsections.

It should provide a neat summary and possible directions for future research.

The checklist:

  • This part should include the general summary of the article, its results, and its findings
  • This part should include the unique contributions of the paper
  • This part should include theoretical and managerial implications and recommendations for practice
  • This part should include research limitations
  • This part should include suggestions for future research

Finally, check the overall paper

Don't break sections into a bunch of subsections. Captions for figures and tables should be clear and understandable, even if they are shown in the context of the article. Do not indicate under the figures and tables that this is your (author's) development or your own calculations because it should be so a priori. Column and row names in tables should be clear and complete. Carefully study each sentence, each paragraph, and the entire text of the article.

Patents: Authors may declare any patents related to the published work, either pending or already obtained. The aim of this section is to create a better link between research articles and new inventions to which they have contributed. This section is not obligatory, and there is no penalty for not declaring patents, but in most cases, authors benefit from adding any relevant information here.

When declaring patents, please include the patent number and title so interested readers can access the full details.

We strongly recommend against submitting papers for publication before patents have been granted since publication can compromise the patent application process. Published papers will not be removed from journals for patent applications to be filed. This section is not mandatory but may be added if patents result from the work reported in this manuscript.

Author Contributions: Each author is expected to have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software used in the work; or have drafted the work or substantively revised it; AND has approved the submitted version (and version substantially edited by journal staff that involves the author’s contribution to the study); AND agrees to be personally accountable for the author’s own contributions and for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and documented in the literature. The following statements should be used: Conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; Methodology, X.X.; Software, X.X.; Validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; Formal Analysis, X.X.; Investigation, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data Curation, X.X.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, X.X.; Writing – Review & Editing, X.X.; Visualization, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project Administration, X.X.; Funding Acquisition, Y.Y. Authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Institutional Review Board Statement: In this section, please add the Institutional Review Board Statement and approval number for studies involving humans or animals. Please note that the Editorial Office might ask you for further information. Please add, “The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of NAME OF INSTITUTE (protocol code XXX and date of approval).” OR “Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to REASON (please provide a detailed justification).” OR “Not applicable” for studies not involving humans or animals. You might also exclude this statement if the study did not involve humans or animals.

Funding: All sources of funding for the study should be disclosed. Indicate grants you have received to support your research work and if you received funds to cover publication costs. Some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly identified in the paper. Authors can enter Funding information separately into the submission system while submitting their manuscripts. Such funding information, if available, will be deposited to FundRef if the manuscript is finally published.

Please add: “This research received no external funding” or “This research was funded by [name of funder] grant number [xxx]” and “The APC was funded by [XXX]” in this section. Check carefully that the details are accurate and use the standard spelling of funding agency names at; any errors may affect your future funding.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments are a place to recognize any contributions made to the paper that do not meet the criteria for authorship. This may include technical support, gifts received, or organizational assistance. There are few restrictions on what should be included, with the primary exception that anyone who meets the criteria for authors must be included as an author and not merely acknowledged. Personal acknowledgments (e.g., of family members) are acceptable, and it is recommended to add their full name; titles (Dr., Mr., Prof., etc.) should not be used. This section should be kept relatively short.

Informed Consent Statement: Any research article describing a study involving humans should contain this statement. Written informed consent for publication must be obtained from participating patients who can be identified (including the patients themselves). Please state, “Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper,” if applicable. You might also add “Not applicable” for studies that do not involve humans.

Data Availability Statement: This section provides details regarding where data supporting reported results can be found, including links to publicly archived datasets analyzed or generated during the study. (For example, the data presented in this study are available upon request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to restrictions).

Conflicts of Interest: Conflicts of Interest Journal uses the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors about Conflicts of Interest (CoIs) (

“A conflict of interest exists when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients’ welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain). Perceptions of conflict of interest are as important as actual conflicts of interest.”

CoIs come in different forms and can affect authors, editors, and publishing staff. Having a CoI does not mean that your paper will not be published; however, omitting it could lead to retraction or at least re-evaluation of your paper. No conflicted third parties should be able to directly influence the results of your research or have a say in the final version. Conflicts of interest that hurt the author due to the paper’s publication should also be declared.

Types of CoIs include:

Direct/indirect: This concerns whether the CoI refers specifically to an author (direct) or one of their associates, such as a close colleague or family member (indirect).

Financial/non-financial: Both of these are important. Financial CoIs are concerned with receiving money from people or organizations with a vested interest in the research outcome, holding patents or salaried positions that depend on the research outcomes, or holding shares or other items whose value depends on the research. Non-financial CoIs include benefits to groups the author is associated with and reputational benefits.

The list of references must be made in the alphabetical order. While indicating the source, which was analyzed in the source language (not in English), should be indicated first in the source language; then, the transliteration should be made in brackets. It is recommended that it be done with transliteration for English-speaking systems (it is better to use transliteration of the system British Standards Institution).
Download the citation style guide APA formatting and style guide.
Non-English scripts (such as Arabic or Chinese). When using the original version of a non-English work, please cite the original version. According to APA style, the reference list does not use non-Latin alphabets, so the title must be transliterated and converted into the alphabet used to write the manuscript. Then, the English translation must be given in brackets.

Please remove any self-citations if any corrections are required in your case.

Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text. If the Editor finds any mistake, the manuscript will be stopped/rejected by the Editor.

You should be very careful about volume, issue/no, page no, and DOI retrieved from. DOI is mandatory for all sources of references.

Multi Reference: Style warning: Multiple citations should be in correct alphabetical order (as reference list).


Note 1. This is an example for note 1.

Note 2. This is an example for note 2.


Appendix A: The Heading to Appendix A

Appendix B: The Heading to Appendix B

Supplementary Materials
The supplementary materials are the size figures, tables, graphs, schemes, photographs, etc., which are referred to throughout the text of the paper.


As part of the submission process, authors must check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The number of words in the paper may vary from 4000 to 6000 (for short communication paper – from 1000 to 2000). Considering the issue concerning the calculation of the number of words in the paper, the information about the authors, title, abstract and keywords, list of references, and appendices should not be included. The number of sources in the list of references should be determined by an author directly but be, on average, within 30-50. In the review articles, this number can be significantly higher. Supplementary materials should not exceed 5 pages. Note that the paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word or a compatible format (.DOC, .DOCX). Tables, schemes, figures, and photographs of other authors should not be used in the text of the paper without their written permission.
  2. Tables and Figures:

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    From now on, a paper in this journal may include a maximum of 10 tables/figures/appendixes.

    In particular, This Journal does not accept any figures/artworks borrowed from others (i.e. output of AMOS, charts, and reports of Statistics Agency), if not created by the author’s own work.

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    For Tables and Appendixes- Tables: Font in New Roman, Font Size in 8 size (6 minimum)

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    • Eliminate grammar errors.
    • Fix tricky spelling errors.
    • Say goodbye to punctuation errors.
    • Enhance your writing.

    If the Editor finds any mistake, the manuscript will be stopped/rejected by the Editor.

  7. While submitting a manuscript to the journal, all contributing author(s) must verify that the manuscript represents authentic and valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with significantly similar content under their authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere including electronically, in the same form, in English or other languages, without the written consent the copyright holder

  8. All authors have agreed to allow the corresponding author to serve as the primary correspondent with the editorial office and review the edited manuscript and proof.

  9. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, found in About the Journal.

  10. Please download the links below to see the Journal manuscript template:

  11. If submitting to a peer-reviewed journal section, the instructions in Ensuring a Double Blind Review have been followed.


Submission process
To make a submission, please send a manuscript in MS Word format (.doc or .docx).
Ensure all supplementary materials (tables, figures, equations, and images) are editable. If the editor asks to send editable elements, please do so as soon as possible to start the reviewing process. To prepare your manuscript for submission, please read the Submission Guidelines.
Infringement of Research Misconduct Policies will result in paper rejection and possible sanctions against authors.

Review process
All papers are "Double-Blind External Peer-Reviewed." Detailed information can be found in the Peer Review section.
All authors receive the reviewer’s comments immediately after reviewing the manuscript. The authors have the opportunity to request a Referee Report, which they receive without revealing the identity of the reviewer, and can appeal against editorial decisions by responding to the referees with authors’ arguments and explanations.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission Charges: 0.00 (USD)

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If you would like to choose an English Language Editing service, we recommend "ACSE Author Services".

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Reporting Guidelines

Authors are strongly encouraged to use appropriate reporting guidelines when preparing and submitting manuscripts, to maximize transparency and reproducibility. Our editors and reviewers are also encouraged to use them in the review process. Completed checklists should be provided in the supplementary files on submission.

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  • TREND for non-randomized trials;
  • PRISMA for systematic review and meta-analyses;
  • CARE for case reports;
  • STROBE for observational studies;
  • STREGA for genetic association studies;
  • SRQR for qualitative studies;
  • STARD for diagnostic accuracy studies;
  • ARRIVE for animal experiments.

Authorship Criteria

Authorship should be reserved for those, and only those, who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or general supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Honorary authorship is not acceptable.

1) Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial direct academic contribution (i.e. intellectual responsibility and substantive work) to at least two of the four main components of a typical scientific project or paper:

a) Conception or design.
b) Data collection and processing.
c) Analysis and interpretation of the data.
d) Writing substantial sections of the paper (e.g. synthesizing findings in the literature review or the findings/results section).

2) Everyone who is listed as an author should have critically reviewed successive drafts of the paper and should approve the final version.

3) Everyone who is listed as an author should be able to defend the paper as a whole (although not necessarily all the technical details).

Order of Authors

1) The person who has made the major contribution to the paper and/or taken the lead in writing is entitled to be the first author

2) Decisions about who should be an author, the order of authors and those included in the acknowledgements should usually be made by the first author in consultation with other authors.

3) Those who have made a major contribution to analysis or writing (i.e. more than commenting in detail on successive drafts) are entitled to follow the first author immediately; where there is a clear difference in the size of these contributions, this should be reflected in the order of these authors.

4) All others who fulfil the criteria for authorship should complete the list in alphabetical order of their surnames.

5) A maximum of five authors can be added to the paper.

Data Sharing and Data Availability Policy

Data sharing and other artefacts supporting the results in the paper are encouraged by the BJMSR Journal, but a Data Availability Statement may be required and published with the manuscript. The following options are provided for the authors during the submission process:

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