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Patrick Mushitsi
Nay Min San


In recent years, the African continent has emerged as a key arena in the global power rivalry between the United States and China. This study delves into the shifting power dynamics in Africa, with a focus on the increasing influence of China amidst receding American dominance. The research employs document review to analyze the multifaceted nature of China's engagement in Africa, encompassing trade, infrastructure investments, and diplomacy, establishing China as Africa's primary trading partner. Notably, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) plays a pivotal role in reshaping Africa's infrastructure and economic landscape. Conversely, the United States has witnessed a decline in diplomatic presence, foreign aid reductions, and a diminished focus on economic engagement, leading to a decrease in its influence. The outcomes of this evolving dynamic are far-reaching. While Africa stands to benefit from potential economic transformation, concerns regarding debt sustainability and reliance on Chinese support persist. Geopolitically, Africa's strategic significance has triggered competition between China and the U.S., with potential implications for regional security. Moreover, Africa's critical role in global supply chains, particularly in resources such as minerals and energy, amplifies China's influence in global markets. African nations face the challenge of balancing economic growth, sovereignty, and regional stability. To counter China's expanding presence and enhance relations with African countries, the United States should prioritize revitalizing diplomacy, formulating a comprehensive trade policy, emphasizing development assistance, and collaborating on regional security initiatives. Cultivating cultural exchanges and respecting African agency are equally imperative steps in this endeavor.

JEL Classification Codes: F51, F53, N40.


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How to Cite
Mushitsi , P. ., & San , N. M. . (2024). THE SHIFT OF POWER: ANALYSING THE DECLINE OF USA’S INFLUENCE IN AFRICA IN FAVOUR OF CHINA. American International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 6(1), 1–12.
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